[Chapter-delegates] [Isoc-ext-board] ISOC's involvement at ITU Telecom World 2009

Franck Martin franck at avonsys.com
Sun Oct 11 00:27:18 PDT 2009

This is why I was querying (privately) about the non-presence of ISOC at the CTO meeting in Fiji.

But I'm glad ISOC watches ITU closely more and more.

I have seen ITU before, coming to the Pacific Islands and get their mission endorsed, by presenting findings and inviting most participants (ie pay the shopping trip). The final report was already written before the meeting and countries were not even asked to endorse it, but they mere presence and lack of questioning was enough so when I started to question, they became very hostile.

My other advice, I tried to pass, is that ISOC must promote IETF very publicly and to the general public, but what do I know, I'm just from chapters...

Franck Martin 
twitter: FranckMartin 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrik Fältström" <patrik at frobbit.se>
To: "Khaled KOUBAA" <k.koubaa at aw2i.org>
Cc: "ISOC Chapter Delegates" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>, "ISOC Extended Board" <isoc-ext-board at elists.isoc.org>
Sent: Sunday, 11 October, 2009 6:27:48 PM GMT +12:00 Fiji
Subject: Re: [Isoc-ext-board] [Chapter-delegates] ISOC's involvement at ITU Telecom World 2009

Let me emphasize this "thank you".

ITU launched this week two for me very dangerous things:

- The CTO summit as some kind of initiative by ITU to grab control  
over standardization in the sector
- Papers that indicate strongly that ITU is to become a RIR

As there are many events coming up for governments in general some of  
us (me included) not only heard from ISOC about these things, we also  
have already(!!!!) got good speaking points and arguments and answers  
to questions from ISOC and Bill Graham specifically that helps in the  
work we do.

I would therefore this way thank ISOC and specifically Bill for the  
hard work. Even on Friday/Saturday after the meeting, so that we could  
get beta-versions of texts that we so urgently needed.


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