[Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in Uruguay

Sabrina Wilmot wilmot at isoc.org
Wed Oct 7 07:43:35 PDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

The following application for a Chapter in Uruguay has been received. It 
is being sent to this list for peer comment and review. Please note that 
the Chapter is not yet formed and has not officially been recognised by 

If there are people on this list that know the individuals proposing to 
establish the Chapter, feedback is especially welcome. The period 
allowed for comments is two weeks and the deadline is

	22 October 2009.

Please note that contact details have been removed from the original 
application as the Chapter delegates mailing list is publically 
archived. The data are on file with ISOC and can be shared if needed.

FYI, the Chapter bylaws and membership list will be reviewed by ISOC 
before the Chapter is officially recognised.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on or off list.

Best regards,
Sabrina Wilmot


Chapter Application
A. Proposed name of the Chapter
Capitulo Uruguay de la Internet Society

B. Community of Interest the Chapter will to serve
Any Uruguayan natural citizen or resident interested in being part of 
the local chapter, its values and its goals.
As of this, any organization or individual falling within the defined 
scope will be eligible for membership without discrimination.

C. Purpose and Scope of Chapter
The "Capitulo Uruguay de la Internet Society" chapter mission will be 
the following:
• Local leadership in Internet related matters.
• Provide the opportunity for contribution from the chapter to the local 
community on Internet technical, political, educational and social topics.
• Locally promote Internet Society values and goals.
• Work together wit other groups and chapters from ISOC as with other 
incumbents to develop programs and strategies to increase group 
collaboration and mutual

D. Founding Members of the Chapter
Santiago del Pino
Roque Gagliano
Carlos Martinez
Raúl Echeberría
Nicolas Antoniello

E. List of Supporters
UY6TF: (Uruguay IPv6 Task Force)
Will provide support and consultancy on IPv6 matters
Contact name:
Nicolas Antoniello

F. List of Requirements
At this initial stage, there is no special rule or regulation one must 
accomplish to form ISOC Uruguayan chapter. Eventually we will need to 
take what is called "personaría jurídica" as an association. With this 
status we will be able to receive donations and issue invoices.

G. Additional Information
We are planning our constituent meeting for October and will be present 
at the ISOC INET in Buenos Aires.

H. Your Contact Information
Contact name:
Nicolas Antoniello,
Roque Gagliano,
Santiago del Pino


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