[Chapter-delegates] Polish telecom regulator launches discussion on IPv6

Marcin Cieslak saper at saper.info
Sun Mar 22 17:58:31 PDT 2009

Tony Hill wrote:
> Hi Marcin
> Many thanks for letting us know about this event.  The Internet Society
> of Australia has taken a strong interest in IPv6 for many years.  We
> would be interested to participate in your event.

Thank you Tony, I believe it is very important that we share and 
participate in each other's local efforts. The real policy making is 
done down there in the trenches.

We have posted an English translation of the event announcement:


I think it includes some interesting points, like that one on the 
"illegal content".

> Unfortunately, travel between Australia and Europe for 24 March may be
> complicated.  Is there a possibility to participate in this discussion
> electronically?

Unfortunately, live attendance will not be possible, only a video 
recording made and will be published. We are making arrangements to have 
this material translated into English.

We have already spoke to the authorities that such a short notice and 
date conflict with IETF 74 in San Francisco makes participation of 
representatives from abroad difficult.

I have made in to Warsaw anyway and I will be there on behalf of the 
Internet Society.

The authority representatives told us they wanted just to experiment 
with the process and this is just the initial event. They hope to have
a series of events on this subject and we hope that those will be 
arranged in a way that will enable Internet community worldwide to take 
part in the discussion.

I will keep you posted about how it went.

               << Marcin Cieslak // saper at saper.info >>

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