[Chapter-delegates] Internet Society Panel on IPv6 Deployment atIETF 74

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Fri Mar 13 10:44:47 PDT 2009

Hello Sabrina,

I gather that this is the same event as the one which Greg sent us a 
press release for?
In the "remote participation" bit, I see there's a live audio feed, 
but will there be any feedback possibility (Marratech or otherwise) ?
Warm regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sabrina Wilmot" <wilmot at isoc.org>
To: "Chapter Delegates" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Internet Society Panel on IPv6 Deployment 
atIETF 74

> Dear Colleagues,
> The Internet Society will host a briefing panel focused on the real 
> world experiences associated with deploying IPv6. The session will 
> be coincident with the IETF 74 meeting in San Francisco.
> "The Seven Stages of IPv6," a review of the opportunities of IPv6 
> from the perspective of network citizens in the seven stages of 
> dealing with massive change, will be held 11:30am - 12:45pm PDT 
> (18:45-19:45 UTC) on Tuesday, 24 March at the Hilton San Francisco.
> This is an educational event designed to raise the IETF’s profile 
> and educate media and the public on one aspect of its very important 
> work to which many of you contribute. This event is also an example 
> of how the Internet Society works to promote the continued growth 
> and stability of the Internet as a platform for innovation.
> The 7 Stages of IPv6
> Moderator: Leslie Daigle, ISOC Chief Internet Technology Officer
> Lunch will be provided. Seating is limited and pre-registration by 
> 5pm PDT Wednesday, 18 March, is required. Registration is free and 
> open to interested IETF participants, ISOC members, and journalists. 
> Register online at:
> http://www.isoc.org/isoc/conferences/registration/20090324.shtml
> A live audio stream of the panel discussion (spoken program) is 
> expected to begin at 11:45am PDT (18:45 UTC). To listen, go to:
> http://feed.verilan.com:8000/IPv6panel.m3u
> Kind regards,
> Sabrina Wilmot
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