[Chapter-delegates] Sebastian Bachollet is now part of the ISOC Chennai Board.

Sivasubramanian Muthusamy isolatedn at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 20:12:10 PDT 2009


An invitation was extended to Sebastian Bachollet of ISOC France to be an
Advisory Member of the ISOC India Chennai board and he has been kind enough
to accept this invitation. We hope that Sebastian would spend a bit of his
time in helping our chapter which is just 2 years old take further shape as
a chapter even more in tune with ISOC's mission and pursuits. We look
forward to his involvement and hope that he shares his positive experiences
and insights as a committed volunteer of the Internet Community for years.

Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
ISOC India Chennai.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sivasubramanian Muthusamy <isolatedn at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 2:02 AM
Subject: {ISOC India Chennai Chapter} invitation to Sebastian Bachollet of
ISOC France
To: isocmadras at googlegroups.com


We already have opened up our Working Group and Chapter mailing list for
participation by experienced ISOC participants from chapters outside India.
Many other chapters have been involved in Internet Technical and Policy
Development for much longer than we are. We need to look for inspiration
from some of those who have been associated with ISOC for years.

ISOC San Francisco, for instance, has among its Board Members Frank Martin
from ISOC Pacific Islands. Likewise it would help us all understand the
Internet Technical Standards process and the policy making process if we
could have as non-voting, Advisory / Honary Members as Directors to guide us
in our decisions on policies, programs and events.

I am at Sydney this week attending the ICANN meeting in my role as the
AtLarge Advisory Committee IDN liaison. It is a tradition in ISOC to
organize a meeting of those present from ISOC chapters during ICANN

We had a meeting today and I had occasion to request Sebastian Bachollet of
France to join us as a Honoray Director and he has come forward to advise us
on giving a much better shape to our chapter. With this beginning, we can
invite a few others from other parts of the world known for their experience
in and contribution to the Internet to join us. In particualar, he could be
invaluable help in guiding us on building up the At-Large structure within
our chapter, as he is a member of the At Large Advisory Committe as a
nominee of the European Regional At-Large Orgnaization.

Here is an introduction to Sebastian Bachollot:

*Sébastien Bachollet* began his career with Air Inter (French domestic
airline) then with SNCF (French National Railways) where it led important
technological and organisational projects (around information systems).
Based on this experience, he re-launch and accompanied the development of
CIO networks (Chief Information Officer) at national level (within Cigref)
and at European level (creation of EuroCio). Within this framework, he had
the responsibility for strategic actions for development and networking.

*Internet engagement*

Sébastien has been deeply involved in the Internet world since 1994 with his
SNCF (French National Railways) experience, where he launched www.sncf.fr
[1] <http://www.sncf.com/>, today the first e-business web site in France.
He was also involved in developing a comprehensive programme to allow
employees to be connected and to use Internet technologies (TCP/IP, Domain
names…)… During the 2000–2003 period, Sébastien was Deputy General Manager
of CIGREF (Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Françaises) and he has
represented Cigref and business users in the Internet Governance field at
all levels: France, Europe and world-wide. In ICANN, Cigref has been a
member of the Business Constituency since the beginning. Sébastien
participates, in a personal capacity, on the ICANN New TLDs Evaluation
Process Planning Task Force and to the Assistance Group of the Evaluation
and Reform Committee for the formation of the ccNSO.

Sébastien works actively (with Olivier Iteanu – Lawyer) in setting up and
holding the European Global Event on domain Names and address systems, known
now as EGENI Europe held in Paris in June or July each year since 2002 with
an audience of more than 250 participants. The event is organized by ISOC
France with the help of Cigref, Medef, and CCIP. In 2006 with ISOC Morocco,
he launched EGENI Africa. In 2007 the meeting was held in Paris around the
French elections and in 2008 in conjunction with the ICANN meeting - link to
Egeni([2] <http://www.egeni.org/>). Sébastien lead the local team for the
organization of the ICANN meeting in Paris in June 2008 (
http://par.icann.org/fr) with 1700 participants.

At a *professional level*, Sébastien is the founding CEO of BBS
International Consulting, trading since June 2004, which handles consultancy
in the Information Systems arena with a particular emphasis on Internet
technologies. He participates in various projects for new gTLDs (.paris,
.green [3] <http://www.dotgreen.org/>…).

Sebastien Bachollet is engaged in community life since many years.
• In the field of youth: o During more than 20 years board member of UCPA
(National Union of Outdoors Sports Centers) www.ucpa.com, o Parents’
federation of pupils - FCPE.  • In the field of information technologies to
make hear the voice of all users

(large and small companies, not for profit organisation and people), on
usages and of Internet governance questions.
o Internet Society French Chapter - www.isoc.fr  Member since 2001  Board
member 2003 – 2009  Chair 2004 – 2009 o Board member of FING 2004 – 2009
www.fing.org o Founder with Olivier Iteanu (Lawyer) and chair of EGENI
Europe and Africa

(conference around the questions of naming, addressing and Internet
governance - www.egeni.org
o Advisor for Information letter Sociétés de l’Information –
www.societesdelinformation.net o Elected European Internet users
representative since May 2007 – ALAC vice-chair (At-Large Advisory
Committee) since 2008

Sébastien is a citizen and resident of France (Europe) From Versailles and
now serves as Vice-Chair of ALAC

Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

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India Chennai Chapter.To post to this group, send email to
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