[Chapter-delegates] Chapters invited to collaborate with Chennai on IGF workshop proposals
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
isolatedn at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 09:15:10 PDT 2009
Hello Anupam
Thank you. As we discussed by phone last week, you are welcome to
collaborate with us on this. The topic related to child safety is now
approached more positively, as described in the workshop proposal "it
becomes important for schools and parents to enable Internet access for
Children. Time spent by children online can be very productive and Children
can learn in easy and innovative ways, for example, by using tools available
for collaborative learning. But this requires an essential orientation for
Children for guided exposure to the valuable resources available so as to
get them to to focus on the productive resources. ". So the idea is to bring
up safety aspects in the course of a discussion on the POSITIVE aspects of
Internet for children.
Please do share the feedback from school principals on this topic. Several
chapters have done work on this theme and I hope that this and other
workshops proposed will have greater participation from more chapters.
Sivasubramanian M
On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Anupam Agrawal
<agrawal_anupam at hotmail.com>wrote:
> Hi Shiva,
> I will be happy to collaborate on the workshop titled “Children Online:
> The promises of the Internet and the necessary aspects for Online Safety”.
> ISOC Kolkata is organizing a workshop on 27th June on the similar theme
> wherein we have invited principals of various schools (Government owned/
> Private Owned /NGO owned). We will share the grassroots level feedback and
> expectations from organizations like ISOC. Please let me know if any further
> help is required in this regard.
> Regards,
> Anupam
> Anupam Agrawal
> Chair
> Kolkata Chapter of Internet Society
> Cell: 990 399 2838
> ------------------------------
> *From:* chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org [mailto:
> chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] *On Behalf Of *Sivasubramanian
> Muthusamy
> *Sent:* Monday, June 08, 2009 9:03 AM
> *To:* Chapter Delegates
> *Cc:* chapter-support at isoc.org
> *Subject:* [Chapter-delegates] Chapters invited to collaborate with
> Chennai onIGF workshop proposals
> Hello
> I have proposed these workshops for the IGF at Egypt. May I invite IGF
> participants from chapters and all of ISOC to co-'own' these themes and
> collaborate to give further shape to these proposals?
> Help is especially required in identifying spekers / participants,
> sometimes with opposing, contrary views for these topics, especially for the
> topic "Roundtable: Balancing Security and Privacy Concerns "which would
> require forceful champions of Security and Privacy seated on either side of
> the table to forcefully state their opposing views in order to find common
> grounds. My initial ideas are to extend an invitation to the author of the
> Future of Internet to lead the workshop on "Internet's Core Values", to
> invite the academic community from ISOC, Giganet and elsewhere to take part
> in "Internet in Education and Curriculum Development and Sharing:
> Alexandria Everywhere", to bring in progressive parents to examine how and
> the Internet should be Trusted as a medium for education for children on the
> workshop "Children Online: The promises of the Internet and the necessary
> aspects for Online Safety"
> The topics need to be fine-tune, so some help is requested in setting up
> publically accessible wiki pages. Speakers could be from ISOC and more from
> outside as the workshops.
> Thank you
> Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
> http://isocmadras.blogspot.com
> *Title: *Roundtable: Balancing Security and Privacy Concerns
> *Concise Description:*
> Privacy and Security concerns are often seen as conflicting concerns as
> each side often tends to be overwhelmed by its own concerns. On a deeper
> level, even the most activist privacy proponents would desire a Secure
> Internet relatively free of electronic dangers. At the same time, those who
> apparently appear to disregard privacy concerns would acknowledge the need
> for privacy to the necessary degree. This round table is proposed to bring
> together the strong and moderate proponents of Security and Privacy and
> encourage a free and unrestrained debate to look for convergence in some
> areas between the two divided sides.
> *Which of the five broad IGF Themes or the Cross-Cutting Priorities does
> your workshop fall under?*
> Openness
> *Have you organized an IGF workshop before?* No
> *If so, please provide the link to the report:*
> No link to this report
> *Would you be the Workshop organizer?* Yes
> *If so, who would you approach as co-organizers ? If not, who do you think
> should organize it?*
> To approach some of the Internet pioneers known for their commitment to
> Internet values. To extend invitations to those from Law and Order, Banking,
> Online Commerce and Civil Society Security advocates on the one side and to
> extend invitations to Privacy Groups, Privacy Lawyers and Foundations as
> also to organizations committed to preserving the values of privacy and
> freedom. This workshop would define the concerns of each side and identify
> points on which there could be agreement between the apparently conflicting
> interests.
> *The Workshop is proposed on behalf of:*ISOC India Chennai
> *Contact Person:* Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/index.php/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposals2009View&wspid=144
> *Title: *Children Online: The promises of the Internet and the necessary
> aspects for Online Safety
> *Concise Description:*
> Internet is a permeative medium that offers invaluable resources and tools
> for learning so it becomes important for schools and parents to enable
> Internet access for Children. Time spent by children online can be very
> productive and Children can learn in easy and innovative ways, for example,
> by using tools available for collaborative learning. But this requires an
> essential orientation for Children for guided exposure to the valuable
> resources available so as to get them to to focus on the productive
> resources.
> As Internet is becoming a part of every day life, especially for our
> Children, it becomes important for Children to be aware that there are good
> and bad 'places' and good and bad people just as there are good and bad
> locations in our physical neighborhood and good and bad people in real life.
> Most children, in their first phase of Internet exposure tend to become
> curious and exploratory on undesirable content and get drawn to Adult
> content and unsafe places such as chat rooms online. In the absence of a
> proper orientation and guidance there is also a danger of children coming
> into contact with the wrong kind of people.
> Children seem to be active participants in popular Social Networking sites,
> chat-rooms, virtual places, online games etc. Children tend to be
> exploratory and adventurous and need a orientation on how to safeguard
> themselves and on aspects such as what information can be shared at such
> sites with co-participants who are often unidentifiable strangers with
> misleading identities.
> While such wrong corers are a part of the Internet, there is ample goodness
> in the Internet for Children to learn from. With the idea of orienting
> children towards productive use of the Internet and guide them on Online
> Safety aspects, ISOC India Chennai proposes to organize this workshop.
> *Which of the five broad IGF Themes or the Cross-Cutting Priorities does
> your workshop fall under?*
> Security
> *Have you organized an IGF workshop before?* No
> *If so, please provide the link to the report:*
> No link to this report
> *Would you be the Workshop organizer?* Yes
> *If so, who would you approach as co-organizers ? If not, who do you think
> should organize it?*
> Participants with expertise in Online Safety aspects, parents, teachers. We
> will approach Parry Aftab, leading advocate of child safety aspects to be a
> co-participant.
> *The Workshop is proposed on behalf of:*ISOC India Chennai
> *Contact Person:* Sivasubramanian Muthusamy or Chandramohan
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/index.php/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposals2009View&wspid=198
> *Title: *Internet in Education and Curriculum Development and Sharing:
> Alexandria Everywhere
> *Concise Description:*
> Even with an estimated 1.4 billion users connected, Internet is still a
> phenomenon in its nascent phase of evolution. Internet has fostered
> innovation and has caused all round progress to happen in an accelerated
> pace, but the thinking that Internet makes it possible to globally
> coordinate concrete developmental programs for an enhanced level of economic
> progress is yet to set in.
> Education is one of the areas where Internet can cause tremendous change.
> Collaborative, participatory learning Models are evolving and classrooms
> around the world are experimentally connected.
> A concrete, globally adaptable, CO-ORDINATED program could bridge the gap
> between quality of education between a classroom in a well funded school in
> a developed country and one in an inadequately funded school in a developing
> or under-developed country. This workshop (panel and public participation)
> would examine models by which resources could be shared across Internet and
> create a rough, actionable framework for educational institutions to connect
> by commercial and non-commercial models and examine ways of making it
> possible to expand the reach of well developed curriculum (in terms of
> content, teaching methods and technology) reach remote corners on a
> co-ordinated, global scale.
> *Which of the five broad IGF Themes or the Cross-Cutting Priorities does
> your workshop fall under?*
> Development
> *Have you organized an IGF workshop before?* No
> *If so, please provide the link to the report:*
> No link to this report
> *Would you be the Workshop organizer?* Yes
> *If so, who would you approach as co-organizers ? If not, who do you think
> should organize it?*
> How this workshop will be organized: We would approach an eminent
> educational institution / academic center to be the co-organizers. The lead
> participants of this workshop are to have the diversity of academia from
> developed and developing countries, policy planners, e-curriculum experts,
> students from developed and developing countries and futuristic thinkers.
> The choosen topic would also further IGF's efforts to improve the diversity
> of participation by attracting participation / involving the student
> community from around the world, in the preparatory phase, during IGF and in
> follow up collaboration.
> *The Workshop is proposed on behalf of:*ISOC India Chennai
> *Contact Person:* Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/index.php/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposals2009View&wspid=136
> *Title: *Workshop on Fundamentals: Internet's Core Values.
> *Concise Description:*
> What is Internet? What makes it what it is? What are Internet's
> Characteristics? What are the core values? Open architecture? Free medium? a
> medium that fosters Innovation free of intermediaries and controls? a single
> unified Network of Networks? a non-discriminatory medium? a medium open for
> access by anyone from anywhere? a neutral medium? What are the core values?
> And what is happening to the core values in the process of its evolution?
> What needs to be preserved and what changes are inevitable? How could
> changes and improvements be brought about without compromising on the core
> values? How would the different positions between stakeholders be reconciled
> to commit to the Internet's core values?
> *Which of the five broad IGF Themes or the Cross-Cutting Priorities does
> your workshop fall under?*
> Development
> *Have you organized an IGF workshop before?* No
> *If so, please provide the link to the report:*
> No link to this report
> *Would you be the Workshop organizer?* Yes
> *If so, who would you approach as co-organizers ? If not, who do you think
> should organize it?*
> We propose to invite one or two organizations / academic institutions
> committed to Internet's core values to co-organize this workshop. Some of
> the early pioneers of Internet who have contributed to the Internet's
> architectural principles are to be invited to define Internet's core values,
> followed by a participative discussion on current positive and adverse
> trends and how to ensure further progress without compromising on Internet's
> core values.
> *The Workshop is proposed on behalf of:*ISOC India Chennai
> *Contact Person:* Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
> http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/index.php/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposals2009View&wspid=156
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