[Chapter-delegates] US Foreign Policy 2.0

Zaid Ali zaid at sfbayisoc.org
Thu Jun 4 15:44:21 PDT 2009

Khaled, I enjoyed the speech also. I think this adds benefit to "The other 3 Billion" initiative where we try to bring the remainder of the world on the internet. I think making the internet accessible to the underprivileged or disadvantaged will not just help US foreign policy but also bridge communities at an individual level. Are there chapters that are involved in initiatives to bring internet to underprivileged and disadvantaged communities? The SF-Bay chapter has an initiative started in this and I am curious to learn from others.    

Zaid Ali
President, Internet Society San Francisco Bay chapter
zaid at sfbayisoc.org

----- "Khaled KOUBAA" <khaled.koubaa at topnet.tn> wrote:

> Obama has been really excellent in bringing more stability to the 
> relation between and the Muslim and Arab world and the west.
> His speech will give scholars what to write about for several years.
> But what is interesting also is that he mentioned in several forms and
> terms the opportunity through Internet and technology to build the
> bridge.
> By considering the Internet as what will bring the knowledge and 
> information, by promising investing in e-learning and creating online
> network, is he giving as an outline of the "US Foreign Policy 2.0" ?
> The full text if you are interested : 
> http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Remarks-by-the-President-at-Cairo-University-06/04/2009/
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