[Chapter-delegates] I weep for joy

Patrick Vande Walle patrick at vande-walle.eu
Tue Jan 20 12:22:23 PST 2009

Gene and all,

I think many people throughout the world will rejoice. I have noticed
over those last few weeks that many of my American colleagues and
friends look less embarrassed than they were before ...

It may be good fo the Internet also that the new President actually
knows how to send an e-mail, and wants to continue to do so from his


Best wishes for a good-looking future,

Patrick Vande Walle

Gene Gaines wrote, On 20/1/09 20:12:
> *I weep for joy.
> This is the most important day of my life.
> In all my life, I have never said that I love my country.
> Until now, I have loved and liked my country for what
> it could be, for what it accomplished in the past, but
> not for what it has been during my lifetime. 
> With the inauguration of Barack Obama, with the spirit
> I have seen in this day, with the thoughts expressed
> in his address, the world has changed for me.
> Now, just now, I truly feel that I can love my country
> at this moment for what it is.
> **Please forgive this personal message.*
> *
> Gene Gaines
> Born in Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
> **
> *
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Patrick Vande Walle
Check my blog: http://patrick.vande-walle.eu

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