[Chapter-delegates] E-meeting "Accessibility and Disabilities", 22 January 2009, UTC 20:00 - Friendly reminder

Sabrina Wilmot wilmot at isoc.org
Tue Jan 20 11:56:58 PST 2009

Dear Colleagues,

This is a friendly reminder of our upcoming e-meeting on "Accessibility 
and Disabilities" chaired by Cynthia Waddell, Vice Chair of the ISOC 
Disability and Special Needs Chapter, on 22nd January 2009 at UTC/GMT 20:00.

In addition to using Marratech software we will be *captioning* the 
meeting so that deaf and hard of hearing can follow what is said. You 
can use the following link to access the captured text during our meeting:


A transcript of the event will also be made available later.

I hope you can join us! Please let me know in case you have any 
questions on how to participate in this e-meeting.

Sabrina Wilmot

On 1/14/2009 2:04 PM, Sabrina Wilmot wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We would like to invite you to an e-meeting (using Marratech) on
>   22nd January 2009 at UTC 20:00 entitled
>       "Accessibility and Disabilities"
> We are happy to have the following experts on this call:
> * Cynthia Waddell - Vice Chair, ISOC Disability and Special Needs Chapter,
> * Gunela Astbrink - Board Director of ISOC Australia, and
> * Arnoud van Wijk - ISOC's Disabilities Project Coordinator,
> The e-meeting is aimed at helping you creating awareness on Disability 
> accessibility and support in your country. Accessibility can be 
> considered on several different levels, e.g.:
> * Infrastructure and carriage - real time text protocols and applications
> * Tools - authoring and related software - building in accessibility
> * Content - accessible web sites
> Chapters who are active in this area as well as those who would like to 
> know more are warmly invited to join the call.
> Due to the low turn out of our recent e-meetings, we would like to 
> establish a quorum of 5 Chapter delegates for the call. If you would 
> like to join please reply to <chapters (at) isoc (dot) org> or sign up 
> on the Chapter wiki at:
> http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=E-meeting+schedule+via+Marratech+and+Dial+in&bl=y#b_Accessibility_and_Disabilities_January_with_Cynthia_Waddell_ISOC_Disabilities_and_Special_Needs_UTC_20_00_b_ 
> or http://tinyurl.com/6v99sl  (wiki login required!).
> We are also available to test Marratech with you beforehand. Links to 
> Marratech manuals can be found on our web page at: 
> http://www.isoc.org/isoc/chapters/meetings/
> Please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any comments or 
> questions.
> Best regards,
>   Sabrina Wilmot
>   Manager, Chapters & Individual Members
>   ISOC
> -----
> The draft agenda for the e-meeting is as follows (see also 
> http://www.isoc.org/isoc/chapters/meetings/20090122.php ):
>    1. Opening and introductions
>    2. Information about "Accessibility and Disabilities" work done by 
> Chapters (e.g. by the Disability & Special Needs Chapter)
>    3. Ideas about mentoring other Chapters and creating awareness on 
> accessibility
>    4. Exploring practical steps on "Accessibility and Disabilities" for 
> Chapters
>    5. AOB
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