[Chapter-delegates] I weep for joy

William Favre Slater, III slater at billslater.com
Tue Jan 20 11:53:50 PST 2009


Thank you for your e-mail.  I agree with you and I share your sentiments.

I was living in Memphis, and aged 12, throwing papers on April 4, 1968,
the day Dr. King was assassinated. ( To have
lived through that dark, insane chaos, until now, is to have witnessed a
great miracle.  And what's really great is that Barack Obama is the right
man at the right time, no matter what color he is.  I read both of Obama's
books and have been convinced for three years that we need him as our 44th

God bless Barack Obama, his family, his presidency, and the United States
of America.  Hope just arrived in the nick of Time!

For more information, visit:

Best regards,

William Favre Slater, III, PMP, CISSP, CDCP, MCSE
Program Manager / Data Center Manager
1337 N. Ashland Ave. No. 2
Chicago, IL 60622
United States of America

slater at billslater.com
datacentermanager at live.com
773 - 235 - 3080 - Home
312 - 758 - 0307 - Mobile
312 - 275 - 5757 - FAX & Voicemail

On Tue, January 20, 2009 1:12 pm, Gene Gaines wrote:
>  *I weep for joy.
> This is the most important day of my life.
> In all my life, I have never said that I love my country.
> Until now, I have loved and liked my country for what
> it could be, for what it accomplished in the past, but
> not for what it has been during my lifetime.
> With the inauguration of Barack Obama, with the spirit
> I have seen in this day, with the thoughts expressed
> in his address, the world has changed for me.
> Now, just now, I truly feel that I can love my country
> at this moment for what it is.
> **Please forgive this personal message.*
> *
> Gene Gaines
> Born in Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
> **
> *
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