[Chapter-delegates] [seeking input] UN request for recommendations on "enhanced cooperation"

Bill Graham graham at isoc.org
Fri Jan 9 13:49:13 PST 2009

Dear Chapter Delegates,

On 29 December, United Nations Under Secretary for Economic and Social  
Affairs,Sha Zukang sent the attached letter to Lynn, following up on  
ISOC’s report on “enhanced cooperation,” submitted in October, and  
publicly posted to the ISOC Intranet <http://tinyurl.com/6twbgz>.

In this letter, Sha explains that the UN General Assembly adopted a  
resolution that requests the Secretary-General “to submit to the  
Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2009, on the  
basis of his consultations with all relevant organizations, including  
international organizations, a report which may contain  
recommendations on how the process towards enhanced cooperation should  
be pursued.”  In response to this resolution, he is writing to invite  
ISOC to provide a contribution to the report.  Specifically he asks  
for ISOC’s recommendations on how the process toward enhanced  
cooperation should be pursued.  The deadline is 31 January, 2008.

Although the time is short, I thought it would be a good idea to ask  
for your views to help me craft a reply.  In earlier responses to the  
UN’s request for a report October, we and others (e.g., the NRO,  
ICANN, W3C, IETF, etc.) said that there is a high degree of openness  
and cooperation in our organizations.  My initial thought is to  
respond to this request by saying one possible way to enhance  
cooperation would be for all stakeholders to ensure they take  
advantage of opportunities to participate in our processes, and to  
open their organizations to our participation.  We could cite the  
recent OECD decision to involve us as a good example.

If you have suggestions, could you please send them to me by Friday,  
23 January, so that I will have time to compile them into a reply to  
Under-Secretary Sha?

Thanks and belated best wishes for a rewarding 2009!


Bill Graham
Global Strategic Engagement
The Internet Society
graham at isoc.org
tel +1.613.231.8543 or

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