[Chapter-delegates] Welcome on behalf of the ISOC ChapterDelegates to ISOC Togo Chapter

Philemon philemon at drtvnet.cg
Thu Dec 18 04:57:33 PST 2008

Bonjour Jean Robert,

Toi et l'ensemble des membres d'ISOC-Togo, au nom de l'ISOC-Congo je vous
souhaite la bienvenue dans la grande famille de l'ISOC. Les défis liés à
'l'Internet pour tous' sont là et davantage nombreux et divers, je sais
personnellement que nous sauront compter sur votre participation à cette
œuvre commune que nous sommes tous entrain d'essayer de bâtir.

A bientôt


-----Original Message-----
From: chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org
[mailto:chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] On Behalf Of Sabrina
Sent: jeudi 18 décembre 2008 11:59
To: Ignace Kangni Kueviakoé; jean robert Hountomey; hervé TYPAMM; Chapter
Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Welcome on behalf of the ISOC ChapterDelegates
to ISOC Togo Chapter

Dear Ignace, Jean Robert and Herve,

On behalf of all the Chapter Delegates, I'd like to extend a warm 
welcome to you and your colleagues as a recent addition to ISOC and to 
this mailing list.

As per previous discussions on this list, I encourage individual Chapter 
Delegates to follow up with Ignace, Jean Robert and Herve, off list if 
they wish to extend their own personalised welcome greetings.

Information regarding ISOC Togo Chapter is now available on the ISOC 
website at:


If you have any questions regarding matters pertaining to your Chapter, 
please do not hesitate to use your colleagues on this list to get 
feedback or to email me directly.

We all look forward to working closely with ISOC Togo in the near future.

Kind regards,

       Sabrina Wilmot
       Manager, Chapters & Individual Members
       Internet Society (ISOC)   www.isoc.org
Chapter-delegates mailing list
Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org

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