[chapter-delegates] SAD NEWS AND Position of ISOC Nigerian Chapter on Veni Markovski's petition
Vansnick Rudi
rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Sat Apr 30 06:38:47 PDT 2005
On behalf of the ISOC Belgium board and members, we express our condolences to
Nwodo's family, friends and the ISOC Nigeria members.
Best regards,
ISOC Belgium
Rudi Vansnick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Isoc Nigeria Secretary [mailto:secretary at isocnig.org.ng]
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 6:50 PM
> To: 2005-petition-markovski at elists.isoc.org
> Cc: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
> Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] SAD NEWS AND Position of
> ISOC Nigerian Chapter on Veni Markovski's petition
> On behalf of the ISOC Nigerian chapter I am annuncing the
> very sad news that our president and chapter founder Prof.
> T.C. Nwodo has suddently passed away. The sad event happened
> on 27 April 2005 at Rivers State University of science and
> Technology Campus in Port Harcourt.
> Thanks to his immense contribution and selfless work for the
> development and widspread of Internet in Nigeria and in
> Africa at large he has actualize the Isoc mission that "
> Internet is for everyone"
> More details on his contribution will follows.
> At the same time Isoc Nigeria chapter like to support the
> petition sent by Veni Markovski so that he can be allowed to
> run as a candidate in the upcoming election for the Chapter
> member of the Board of Trustees. At the same time, we like
> to remark that we are agreeing with the comment sent from the
> Italian chapter saying that "the present discussions are
> severely damaging the public image and the internal cohesion
> of ISOC" For that reason we are not contributing on the
> discussion and we are thinking that other chapters have the
> same opinion. It is our strong believe that actions are the
> best way to encourage the Internet diffusion and democracy
> than words. We noted that a lot of speeches are going on and
> at the end not concrete solutions are drafted.
> for Isoc Nigeria Chapter
> Effiong Umoren
> General Secretary
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