[chapter-delegates] Fwd: ICANN nominations

Fred Baker fred at cisco.com
Fri Apr 29 16:06:07 PDT 2005

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Richard Draves" <richdr at microsoft.com>
> Date: April 30, 2005 4:24:46 AM GMT+10:00
> To: <ietf-announce at ietf.org>
> Subject: ICANN nominations
> The ICANN Nominating Committee invites Recommendations and Statements 
> of
> Interest from the community as it seeks qualified candidates for the
> following positions:
>      -  two members of the ICANN Board of Directors;
>      -  two members of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting
>         Organization (GNSO);
>      -  one member of the Council of the Country-Code Names
>         Supporting Organization (ccNSO); and
>      -  three members of the At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC).
> Those individuals selected by the Nominating Committee will have a
> unique opportunity to work with accomplished colleagues from around the
> globe, address intriguing technical coordination problems and related
> policy development challenges with diverse functional, cultural, and
> geographic dimensions, and gain valuable insights and experience from
> working across these boundaries of knowledge, responsibility and
> perspective.
> Additionally, those selected will gain the satisfaction of making a
> valuable public service contribution. Placing the broad public interest
> ahead of any particular interests, they will help ensure the stability
> and security of the Internet for critically important societal
> functions.
> These voluntary positions are not remunerated, although direct expenses
> incurred in the course of duty may be reimbursed. These positions may
> involve significant international travel, including personal presence 
> at
> periodic ICANN meetings, as well as regular telephone and Internet
> communications. Candidates should be women and men with a high level of
> qualifications and experience with an international outlook including
> some familiarity with the Internet. They should be prepared to
> contribute to the collective decision-making process among ICANN's
> constituencies, supporting organizations and advisory bodies.
> Selection criteria, eligibility factors, roles of each position,
> application procedure, and contacts are posted at:
>      http://www.icann.org/committees/nom-comm/formalcall-22apr05.htm
> Applications will be handled confidentially and should be received by
> 12:00 GMT on 15 June 2005 for full consideration. Selections will be
> made in October with service beginning in December 2005.
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