[chapter-delegates] ITU's New Broadband Statistics

Gene Gaines gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
Thu Apr 28 17:03:01 PDT 2005

Of interest.
Forwarded from: Dewayne-Net Technology List <dewayne-net at warpspeed.com>

ITU's New Broadband Statistics for 1 January 2005

ITU has just released its new statistics on global broadband
penetration per 100 inhabitants as of 1 January 2005. Korea and Hong
Kong, China have kept the top rankings they received in 2004. The
Netherlands makes an impressive move from 9th in ranking in 2004 to 3rd
this year. Denmark also moves up two slots to 4th. Canada drops to 5th
from 3rd in 2004. Switzerland moves from 10th in 2004 to 6th this year.
Israel moves to 12th this year. The USA drops from 13th in 2004 to 16th
in 2005. France has moved up fast in the rankings and is now just
behind the USA followed by the UK at 15th.

Full story at:

Gene Gaines
Sterling, Virginia USA

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