[chapter-delegates] RE: Meeting in Paris?

David McAuley mcauley at isoc.org
Tue Apr 26 04:39:06 PDT 2005

To all: The ISOC France Chapter has stepped up and will help us organize a
chapter meeting around the time of the IETF meeting in Paris in late July -
early August. We are gratified by their response - they are the 'natural'
candidate to help.  It may have been an oversight not to offer them this
chance but whatever the case they have stepped up quite nicely. Merci! to
ISOC France and look for more information on this in the coming months.

Bon Jour

David McAuley
Membership Director
Internet Society
703-326-9880, ext 104
703-963-5887 (mobile)
mcauley at isoc.org

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