[chapter-delegates] will I run under petition?

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Thu Apr 21 04:19:04 PDT 2005

Dear all,
As promised - it's April 21st, and I can now say openly, that yes, I will 
run under the petition process.

I am working on a formal letter, which I plan to send later this week.

A piece of explanation:
I've been occupied with important and urgent family matters, which were 
successfully solved yesterday.
Now I can devote my time, efforts and skills for the good of the chapters 
of ISOC, and of course, for ISOC itself.

Thank you all for your kind words and support, which I received in the 


Veni Markovski,
President and Chairman of the Board,
Internet Society - Bulgaria
ISOC-Bulgaria office address:
31 Tsar Ivan Shishman str
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
office phone: +359-2-9802334

P.S. I am working on obtaining my own ENUM, so as soon as it's working, I 
will send it to you, too. ENUM will allow you to call me anywhere in the 
world at the price of a local phone call. veni  

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