[chapter-delegates] Censorship & the Internet

Joan Batet jbatet at tinet.org
Tue Apr 19 12:19:50 PDT 2005

David Solomonoff wrote:

> Andreu Vea' wrote:
>> Irwan,
>> You were talking about China today... Read this it maybe of your 
>> interest.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> Chinese control Internet by sophisticated means The Associated Press 
>> Friday,
>> April 15, 2005
>> Filters block political dissent, report finds
>> NEW YORK The Chinese government has become increasingly sophisticated at
>> controlling the Internet, taking a multilayered approach that 
>> contributes to
>> precision in blocking political dissent, according to a report released
>> Thursday. 
> The Chinese government contracts with many well-known, high profile 
> technology firms to obtain
> the hardware, software and consulting services that they use to censor 
> Internet access.
> What if there were a campaign to publicize these companies involvement 
> and pressure them to stop?


*I don't know the best way to act, but I must remember you that the 
foundational principles of ISOC where:

**        Internet Society Guiding Principles *

    * Open, unencumbered, beneficial use of the Internet.
    * Self-regulated content providers; *no prior censorship of on-line
    * *On-line free expression is not restricted by other indirect means
      such as excessively restrictive governmental or private controls
      over computer hardware or software, telecommunications
      infrastructure, or other essential components of the Internet.*
    * Open forum for the development of standards and Internet technology
    * *No discrimination in use of the Internet on the basis of *race,
      color, gender, language, religion, *political or other opinion*,
      national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
    * Personal information generated on the Internet is neither misused
      nor used by another without informed consent of the principal.
    * Internet users may encrypt their communication and information
      without restriction.
    * Encouragement of cooperation between networks: Connectivity is its
      own reward, therefore network providers are rewarded by
      cooperation with each other.

*And I am proud to be a member of the Internet Society, just because I 
accept and subscribe ALL this guiding principles.

I hope that all of us do think on the same way.

Joan Batet
*Catalunya - Spain*


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