[chapter-delegates] A possible cross-chapter educational project

Jacek Gajewski gajewski at ceenet.org
Mon Apr 18 07:13:40 PDT 2005

Dear All,

    I follow the suggestion, formulated recently on this list, to test
whether a given project idea is interesting for several chapters and could
be the basis of the intensified cross-chapter cooperation.  ISOC-PL
presents here a project idea, which potentially links ISOC chapters from
developing and developed world.

   The project fosters to create a data base of quality, degree e-studies,
(presently offered by many developed countries in distance education
mode), and a consultancy/brokerage system for students from developing
world. Our project aims to grant students from developing countries
greater access to modern and affordable educational programs by overcoming
certain barriers (e.g. financial, language, psychological). The system
will act as a broker for students wishing to research and to apply for
on-line study in e.g.  U.S. A one year rollout and pilot period will test
an assumed model and eventually lead to a self-sustainable brokerage
entity, which is complement to the traditional scholarship programs.  In
addition, the project will contribute to the prevention of brain drain
that often occurs when students from the third world spend several years

Partially, the underlying mechanism has already been created by ISOC_PL
member Mr Sebastian Malek, as a part of his students diploma work done at
Warsaw University under my supervision. In the attachments, please find a
very rough project description [not yet in the format required by ISOC
HQ].  Additionally, please find a related presentation. Both documents are
attached here only to give you the idea. Clearly there is still a work to
be done to bring the proposal to the required form.

If your chapter would be interested in participation, please let us know
about it on this list, naming a person, who is ready to cooperate with us
in bringing the proposal to the required form. Also comments of any type
are welcome from all of You!

With best regards,

Jacek Gajewski
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