[chapter-delegates] Review of chapter application for the ISOC, India-Madras Chapter

Irwan Effendi hero_tsai at mainsyscon.net
Mon Apr 11 04:45:36 PDT 2005

As for me, I don't even know that there could be a reason that a chapter
should not be formed. It's fun though, sounds like the usual "or forever
hold your peace" in weddings  : P


Irwan Effendi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramon Morales" <rpmorales at inspireglobal.com>
To: "'Terry Weigler'" <tweigler at isoc.org>;
<chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] Review of chapter application for the ISOC,
India-Madras Chapter

Wow!!! An Iran ISOC Chapter is tremendous. They will be a fine addition to
our community and I long to welcome them. I find nothing wrong with the
application. It is a piece of great news that we can certainly appreciate
and cherish.
Great work!!!
Warmest regards,
Ramón Morales
Internet Society of Puerto Rico

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Weigler [mailto:tweigler at isoc.org]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 5:15 PM
To: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: [chapter-delegates] Review of chapter application for the ISOC,
India-Madras Chapter

Dear Chapter Delegates,

As Jim Galvin proposed last year, ISOC is submitting Chapter
applications to this mailing list to give you an opportunity
to comment on them.  The VP of Chapters is most interested to
hear if there exist reasons why a Chapter application should not
be accepted but you're welcome to offer statements of support, too.
Later, we will send a package of the proposed Bylaws and officers to
this list, again for you to comment.

Criteria to date for evaluating Chapter applications and Bylaws has been
pretty straightforward: unless there's a good reason not to accept a
proposed Chapter it is approved.  As part of involving you in the process of
reviewing these materials ISOC is open to suggestions on additional criteria
you believe are relevant. Since you are already successful operating
Chapters, you are best positioned to comment on what is likely to be

The application is copied below for your consideration. If you have any
comments, questions or concerns, please respond in two weeks, (22 April
to <chapters at isoc.org>

Terry Weigler
ISOC Chapters Administration


A. Proposed name of the Chapter   MADRAS CHAPTER OF INTERNET SOCIETY

B. Community of Interest the Chapter will to serve  Tamilnadu,
Pondichery,  Karnataka.and Kerala


C. Purpose and Scope of Chapter

To bring together Information Technology, Internet dependant Business
professionals, government and Non-Governmental organizations and
individuals who have an interest in the evolution of internet.

D. Founding Members of the Chapter

Sivasubramanian Muthusamy  (  Shiva )
Madras Foreign Trade Company Private Limited
Whitefield, 389/1 Perundurai Road
Erode 638011
Tamilnadu India
Tel: ++91 424 5501174
++93641 00639
shiva.madras at gmail.com
whitefieldcotton at gmail.com

Sathya Shankar
Life Sciences, Cognizant Technology Solutions
II Floor #38 Whites Road,
Chennai-600 014
Tamilnadu India.
Tel:+91-44-2858 5690 Extn:5105 Vnet:45105
Mobile:+91-98410 91646

E. List of Supporters
Individuals and organizations to be identified.

F. List of Requirements
In India the Society has to be registered under the Societies Act.

G. Additional Information

I am a graduate in business extensively using Internet for business and
Sathya Shankar is an Executive in a multinational BPO. There are other
charter members to be identified after the initial approval from ISOC. We
will invite qualified individuals from the region through various trade
associations and other networks.

H. Your Contact Information
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
Madras Foreign Trade Company Private Limited
Whitefield, 389/1 Perundurai Road
Erode 638011
Tamilnadu India
Tel: ++91 424 5501174
++93641 00639
shiva.madras at gmail.com
whitefieldcotton at gmail.com

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