[chapter-delegates] I object to the 2005 ISOC Nominations Committee process (was Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations)
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Thu Apr 7 08:50:34 PDT 2005
At 10:49 07-04-05 -0400, Gene Gaines wrote:
>I appreciate your positive email (below).
please, respect my desire to stop the discussion for a while. The NomCom
has taken a decision, and we do not need to challenge it - there's no such
a procedure (which is another possible proposal to ISOC). Let's focus on
the constructive work, and let's see what we can do in the next couple of
weeks. After that we'll come back to this issue once more. IN the meantime,
please, send me private e-mails, and cc: if necessary someone from the
active participants.
We don't want ISOC into another crisis - it's still into the previous one
with the names of the membership. And another one, before that. Why should
we contribute to continuing this agony, and thus become part of the
problem. The chapters have always tried to be part of the solution - let's
keep it that way.
Once again - thank you all, for your support. I always knew one can trust
the chapters!
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