[chapter-delegates] An analysis - INTERNET GOVERNANCE PROJECT: "What to Do About ICANN"

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Thu Apr 7 06:33:37 PDT 2005

At 13:44 06-04-05  -0500, EJ Preston wrote:
>AGREED.  ISOC's agenda is to give professional advice/advocacy regarding 
>it's mission and goals.

Please, let's focus on more substential work.
The elections I will discuss only after April 20th. They are not the most 
important event in my life this year. Nor they should be in yours:)
What we need to do is to try to figure out how and where ISOC is headed, do 
we see the chapters play any role there? Do we need to have another driving 
engine for doing public policy? Can we use another group to represent our 
interests in the public policy, if we are not happy with ISOC HQ, and if 
yes, which one?

There are many questions, which are substential, which do not include 
questioning of motives of other Board Trustees (I have no problem if you 
question mine - in private e-mails, please), etc.

Let's be different (from the HQ), and search for the solution, not for the 


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