[chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Wed Apr 6 16:54:11 PDT 2005

At 16:53 06-04-05  -0400, David McAuley wrote:
>goals. That is why I cannot for the life of me understand
>the tenor that sometimes grips this list. It gets

Don't be discouraged, David.
This is the Internet - many cultures meet, colade, crash, have fun. If you 
take this as a reason for discouragement, you are not in the right business:)

>To suggest that the motive here was to silence Veni is a
>grand leap that you have no reason to postulate other than
>emotion. Or is there more?

One can tell there's more, otherwsie Gene would not have said it. But I 
asked you all to keep some time quiet - at least until April 20th, when 
there's an important event in my life, which takes all my time, and I can't 
allow myself to be defocused. I promise that the last week of April will be 
dedicated to a discussion on the petition. In the meantime, I've met with 
about a dozen chapters, and have talked with another dozen. I am confident 
that as long as there are such good chapters, the Internet will not be in 
danger. It can be in danger only if there are no civil society to protect it.

>I love our community - I just wish we could be more
>communal at times.

We shall be, David, we shall be. Trust me, I am not used to give up. I


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