[chapter-delegates] delayed messages to this list (was: Did I run for the Board?)

James M Galvin galvin at elistx.com
Wed Apr 6 11:07:50 PDT 2005

--On Monday, April 04, 2005 7:01 PM +0300 Veni Markovski 
<veni at veni.com> wrote:

> why is there such a delay ... with one of Margaret's
> e-mails.

The delay was because until recently Margaret was not subscribed to the 
chapter-delegates mailing list.  Thus, prior to her being subscribed, 
her messages needed to be approved by a moderator.

Messages from subscribers are always distributed immediately.  All 
other messages are subject to various filters and then submitted to a 
moderator for review.

In this particular case I am the moderator.  The moderation policy is 
the same as it is for all ISOC lists: all messages are distributed to 
the list unless it is obviously SPAM or otherwise obviously does not 


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