[chapter-delegates] An analysis - INTERNET GOVERNANCE PROJECT: "What to Do About ICANN"

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Wed Apr 6 10:13:41 PDT 2005

At 00:06 07-04-05  +0700, Irwan Effendi wrote:

>I agree that ICANN does not care much about what happens in developing
>countries, which can be seen from uniform fee schedule.

Well, this is changing in many ways - I can tell as a witness.

>However, I am against giving power to governments of each nation to control


>IMHO, ISOC should interfere and attempt to keep the internet as
>free as possible from government intervention, even U.S. government

You are joking, right? ISOC will not take an active position, as it was 
repeatedly said on many many occasions. It wants to be neutral, whatever 
that is.


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