[chapter-delegates] Encouragement and invitation on joint efforts to raise fund for chapters

Irwan Effendi hero_tsai at mainsyscon.net
Tue Apr 5 18:23:51 PDT 2005

Dear Gene,

Are you still interested in the idea of creating international certification
with the same standard, but in local languages?

If you are, I will upload more information after we translated it into


Irwan Effendi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gene Gaines" <gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com>
To: "Irwan Effendi" <hero_tsai at mainsyscon.net>
Cc: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] Encouragement and invitation on joint
efforts to raise fund for chapters

> Irwan,
> Hand-clapping ... applause to your raising funds email (below).
> Also, applause for your chapters presentation "Best Practices On The
> Internet", at http://www.isocid.net/seminar/material.htm.
> 69 slides.  Good work.
> Gene
> gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
> On Tuesday, April 5, 2005, 2:13:25 PM, Irwan wrote:
> > Dear Chapter Delegates,
> > Even though I am not the expert on fund raising, I encourage each and
> > chapter officers to share in our activities in raising fund. We know and
> > admit that the amount of income that our chapter is currently receiving
> > micro-dwarf if compared to the money produced by P.I.R., but we are also
> > sure that in just a few years, we will be able to match or exceed that
> > amount because we have just started it about a year ago. Also, our
source of
> > income is deeply rooted in the community, and unlike the P.I.R.
> > our agreements with partners does not have time limits.
> > Sure, it will be nice to receive funding from HQ once in a while,
> > at a starting point of a long term project, but I believe that we need
> > remind ourselves again and again that we do not join ISOC for the money,
> > that we can't forever hope that HQ will always have leftovers for
> > Furthermore, if chapters wishes to have more influence on global ISOC
> > activities, the most sure and practical way is to provide the financial
> > support for the activities that we want ISOC to do.
> > Therefore, on behalf of all active members of Indonesian Chapter, I
> > all chapters into a joint effort, together with other regional I.T.
> > to start a new era of chapters' cooperation.
> > We will pioneer the move by providing assistance on any chapter needing
> > in programming or setting up their site, and we will share all our
> > and future fund raising materials, by translating them into other
> > Yes, we will start translating even if there is only one other chapter
> > interested to join.
> > For any of you willing to join, just drop me a note and we can start
> > together.
> > Sincerely,
> > Irwan Effendi
> > Secretary - Indonesian Chapter
> --

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