[chapter-delegates] Membership Level Names

Rajnesh D. Singh rajnesh at pataranet.com
Tue Apr 5 17:00:58 PDT 2005

Agree with 'Global Member'.

Don't know about 'Sustaining Member' - perhaps 'Corporate Member or
Financial Member' sounds better?!


-----Original Message-----
From: David McAuley [mailto:mcauley at isoc.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 April 2005 8:48 AM
To: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: [chapter-delegates] Membership Level Names

Dear Chapter Delegates:

We have been soliciting feedback and considering alternatives to the
names of the membership levels we recently announced. While we meant no
slight from the term 'Associate Member' we were quickly informed it was
seen that way and so we undertook to find a new name for each level.

After considering a number of ideas we have what we think is a sensible
naming convention for individual membership and ask your opinion.

We suggest that the free membership level be termed 'Global Member' and
the paid membership level be termed 'Sustaining Member'. 

Let us know what you think of these terms. 

We will send a note on the payment level issue in the next several days.

Thank you.  

David McAuley
Membership Director
Internet Society
703-326-9880, ext 104
703-963-5887 (mobile)
mcauley at isoc.org

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