[chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from today's meeting with Lynn

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Tue Apr 5 13:51:27 PDT 2005

At 13:42 05-04-05  -0700, Fred Baker wrote:
>this sounds like a good suggestion, patrick.
>One of the options in any such system should equate to "I have something I 
>might feel like saying but I don't need the flames". This is a comment 
>Lynn hears relatively frequently.

Oh, yes, we talked about it, too.
The saying was "if you are afraid of the bears, don't go in the forest":)
What's hidden behind this is that sometimes southern people are more 
passionate than northern. That results in cross-cultural misunderstanding. 
What people from the North should not be afraid of is, sometimes, to get 

Otherwise, we'll make some calculations for the sake of math, so that we 
really now if these comments are frequent, because they come from many 
chapters, or they come from only 1-2, but frequently. I hope that will 
bring some light, as it seems today, with 10 chapters present, we all were 
speaking in one voice, although each of us had specific points.


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