[chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations

Jacek Gajewski gajewski at ceenet.org
Tue Apr 5 03:09:19 PDT 2005

Hi Margaret,

    thank you very much for the clarification of issues related to the 
criteria used during the selection process.

Margaret Wasserman wrote:

>  In one or two cases, I asked other Board members for their thoughts 
> on specific nominees, particularly those that were not well-known to 
> members of the Nominations Committee.
> I think that it would be constructive for you to consider the fact 
> that 10 members of ISOC served on the Nominations Committee and 
> dedicated a substantial amount of time to reviewing the available 
> candidates and selecting amongst them.  This was not an easy task, and 
> we did not make our decisions lightly.  Perhaps you could give us the 
> benefit of the doubt and at least consider the possibility that we may 
> have carefully followed the documented selection process, published 
> our criteria, considered all of the input that we received, and tried 
> to make the best selections possible?
I do not doubt that your team worked hard and tried to come out with 
best possible set of candidates from the point of view of NC and BoT.  
Somehow in this process Veni, who tries to change ISOC into what many 
chapters believe it should be, was disfavoured. It is similar to the 
communication problem, which we had with $75 membership. HQ/NC speak 
different language than chapters, we feel differently, we reason 
differently. Most probably we can do very little about this 'diversity'. 
We have to live with this and learn to cooperate despite this 
differences. Please do not be offended, and do not take it personal, 
that we speak out our emotions, when our feelings are deeply hurt.

I only hope, that Veni's name will appear on the final ballot as a 
result of the petition process, and we will be able to see then the 
result of voting by chapters delegates.

Let's close this discussion now.

In the meantime, I do thank You for the hard work done by You and the 
whole NC.

With the best regards,
Jacek Gajewski

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