[chapter-delegates] Important Announcement about IAOC Appointments

ISOC Notice isoc-news at isoc.org
Mon Apr 4 11:37:47 PDT 2005

Dear Chapter Presidents and Representatives,
      The following important announcement was just sent
to the ISOC membership.  David McAuley wanted to be
sure that the Chapters were aware of the news.
Terry Weigler

Dear ISOC Members:

Today there were two important announcements regarding
appointments to the IAOC (the IETF Administrative Oversight
Committee). One was from Fred Baker, Chair of ISOC, and
the other a joint announcement from Leslie Daigle, Chair
of the IAB, and Brian Carpenter, Chair of the IETF. Both
announcements are copied below.

Best regards,
David McAuley

From: Fred Baker, Chairman of the Internet Society:

The ISOC Board has, in fulfillment of its responsibilities
set forth in
"Structure of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA)",
Rob Austein, Bert Wijnen, 14-Feb-05

selected Steve Crocker for a two year appointment to the IAOC.
Steve has served the IETF with distinction, being the author of
RFC 1 and numerous RFCs since then and serving in various
management capacities as well, and presently serves on the
IASA Transition Team and the ISOC Board of Trustees.

With the concurrent announcement of the IAB and IESG
appointments, the IAOC will be formally seated on April 7th,
2005 bringing the IASA into effect.  These three individuals
join the IETF Chair, IAB Chair and the ISOC President
(ex-officio members of the IAOC)

Fred Baker
Chairman, Internet Society Board of Trustees

From: Brian Carpenter, IETF Chair, and Leslie Daigle, IAB Chair:

The IAB and IESG have reviewed the candidates and supporting
material provided for their 2005 IAOC appointments process. We
would like to thank all those who accepted nomination and who
contributed input to the process.

The IAB has selected Lucy Lynch for their 2-year appointment
to the IAOC.

The IESG has selected Kurtis Lindqvist for their 1-year
appointment to the IAOC.

The IAB and IESG followed the process outlined in
draft-iab-iaoc-selection-01.txt, carefully reviewing all candidates
in the light of the criteria outlined in draft-ietf-iasa-bcp-07.txt [*],
and determined that Lucy and Kurtis, both members of the
IASA transition team, were the best fit across the criteria.

With these appointments and ISOC's concurrent announcement
of their selection, the initial IAOC is now "live",
and the IASA structure is instantiated.  The initial
IAOC, which also includes the IETF Chair, the IAB Chair,
and the ISOC President as ex officio members, will be seated
at the first regular business meeting, scheduled for
Thursday, April 7.

We have put in a request to the IETF Secretariat to create
a mailing list to address the IAOC -- when that is created,
you will be able to send messages directly to the IAOC
      iaoc at ietf.org

Leslie and Brian,
for the IAB & IESG.

[* from draft-ietf-iasa-bcp-07.txt:]

"  While there are no hard rules regarding how the IAB and the IESG
     should select members of the IAOC, such appointees need not be
     current IAB or IESG members (and probably should not be, if only to
     avoid overloading the existing leadership).  The IAB and IESG should
     choose people with some knowledge of contracts and financial
     procedures, who are familiar with the administrative support needs of
     the IAB, the IESG, or the IETF standards process.  The IAB and IESG
     should follow a fairly open process for these selections, perhaps
     with an open call for nominations or a period of public comment on
     the candidates. " 

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