[chapter-delegates] Review of chapter application for the Internet Society Chapter in Haiti
Terry Weigler
tweigler at isoc.org
Mon Apr 4 13:59:32 PDT 2005
As Jim Galvin proposed a in 2004, ISOC is submitting
Chapter applications to this mailing list to give you an opportunity
to comment on them. The VP of Chapters is most interested to
hear if there exist reasons why a Chapter application should not
be accepted but you're welcome to offer statements of support, too.
Later, we will send a package of the proposed Bylaws and officers to
this list, again for you to comment.
Criteria to date for evaluating Chapter applications and Bylaws has been
pretty straightforward: unless there's a good reason not to accept a
proposed Chapter it is approved. As part of involving you in the process of
reviewing these materials ISOC is open to suggestions on additional criteria
you believe are relevant. Since you are already successful operating
Chapters, you are best positioned to comment on what is likely to be
The application is copied below for your consideration. If you have any
comments, questions or concerns, please respond in two weeks, 18 April, 2005
to <chapters at isoc.org>
Terry Weigler
ISOC Chapters Administration
A. Proposed name of the Chapter
The Chapter name must include both "Internet Society" and "Chapter". These
may be translated into your local language.
Chapitre haïtien de l'Internet Society dit ISOC-Haïti
B. Community of Interest the Chapter will to serve
Geography is a common choice for a community of interest, for example,
within a country or city. However, any well-defined group of individuals is
The community of interest is Haiti
C. Purpose and Scope of Chapter
It is important to indicate how you intend to serve your community of
interest and why a Chapter of the Internet Society is a good way to do it.
We want to promote and develop the use of Internet in Haiti, by addressing
public policies, education and training issues. So organized as a chapter
not only we could have a place where IT professionals can debate and make
proposals regarding the future of IT in HAITI but in the Haitian chapter we
want to include in the debate non IT people who share ISOC mission
statement and animate the debate within the Haitian society.
D. Founding Members of the Chapter
Please list complete contact information and affiliations for all persons
who will be working together to create the Chapter. Although there is a
minimum membership required for a Charter we are only asking for at least
one other person besides yourself.
Sheila Laplanche
Consultante Nationale PNUD-AHSI
<mailto:sheila at rddh.org.ht>sheila at rddh.org.ht
<mailto:sheila.laplanche at wanadoo.fr>sheila.laplanche at wanadoo.fr
Mobile: 417-8935
Work : 512-7830
1 Angle rue Fremy et Rte de Bourdon
PAP, Haiti
Max Larson Henry
Main Contact Academie Cisco
Faculte des Sciences
270, rue Mgr. Guilloux
Port au prince
phone : (509)4020957
mail : <mailto:maxlarson.henry at fds.edu.ht>maxlarson.henry at fds.edu.ht
Bureau CARAIBE de lAUF
Adresse perso: #353, Ave John Brown
Tél: 245-6967; 555-4469; 402-9826
Bur: #51, Rue Dufort
Tél: 245-4408; 245-1406
fpleroy at netcourrier.com
Patrice Talleyrand
<mailto:contact at cheztoto.com>contact at cheztoto.com
Reynold Guerrier
Ingenieur des Reseaux
Technical Manager Multilink SA
5, Rue Castera Delmas 19
Port-au-Prince, HAiti
reygue at multilink-ht.net
reygue at gsis-ht.com
Patrick ATTIE
Vice-recteur aux affaires administratives
Ecole supérieure d'infotronique d'Haïti (ESIH)
29, 2e ruelle Nazon
Téléphone : +509 245 5091
Télécopie : +509 257 5369
pattie at transnethaiti.com
E. List of Supporters
Please list complete contact information for any organizations or groups
who will be supporting the Chapter. Be sure to indicate an individual or an
individual's role for each supporter.
ESIH Patrick Attie
Fondation Mabouya Patrice Talleyrand
F. List of Requirements
Some countries, governments, or regulatory bodies have rules or regulations
that must be followed by Chapters of organization's like the Internet
Society. Examples include documentation or fees. It is important for you to
check and to indicate here any requirements you find. If there are none
please indicate with whom you checked.
We are waiting an answer from CONATEL regulatory body. CONATEL is in a
change process of the regulations.
G. Additional Information
Please indicate here any additional information you believe would be
helpful to our initial review.
H. Your Contact Information
Please provide complete contact information for yourself, including
affiliation, postal address, phone number(s), and email address.
Sheila Laplanche
Home address: 90, Angle rue Christ-Roi et Impasse ST JUSTE
Ht 6111 Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel : 509 - 514.06.76
Work address: Projet PNUD AHSI
Angle rue Frémy et Route de bourdon
Tel : 509 2458836 & 510-3870
<mailto:sheila.laplanche at wanadoo.fr>sheila.laplanche at wanadoo.fr &
<mailto:sheila at rddh.org.ht>sheila at rddh.org.ht
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