[chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations Committee

Tommi Karttaavi tommi.karttaavi at iki.fi
Sun Apr 3 23:13:55 PDT 2005

Veni Markovski wrote:
> So, we have almost 30 days for the petition. Let's see what the 
> responses from chapters will be. I'm particularly interested to hear 
> chapters which are being quiet here, but vote at the end. Why are you 
> quiet? Are you afraid of something or someone? I am not asking you to 
> tell me that you will vote for me. I want chapters to vote for programs, 
> which are aimed at public policy and further chapters' involvement. I

Veni, I have a dilemma here. While I think you have done an excellent 
job as a BoT member and would gladly see there for a second term, I also 
have reasons to support the nomination committee's decision.

In the time that we have had chapter reps on the BoT, the selections 
have concentrated an a rather small geographical area, Europe. When the 
new BoT member selection system was being planned, I remember there 
having been talk about mechanisms to ensure geographical diversity among 
the reps. What we have here seems to be a case of those mechanisms 
kicking into action.

I have nothing but respect for the current chapter reps on the BoT, but 
in the long run it can't be good that all chapter reps are from European 

Best regards,

ISOC Finland

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