[chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations Committee

Margaret Wasserman margaret at thingmagic.com
Sun Apr 3 16:32:20 PDT 2005

Hi Ramon,

At 12:07 PM -0400 4/3/05, Ramon Morales wrote:
>With all due respect to your selection process, I wish to start a petition
>process with the objective of adding Veni Markovski to the list of Board
>candidates for the Chapter elections.

The ISOC Board of Trustees selection process is described at the following URL:


The petition process was also briefly explained in the Nominations 
Committee's report, which says:

    Additional nominations for election to the Board of Trustees may be
    made by petition OF THE CANDIDATE, and filed with the Chair
    of the Nominations Committee at <2005-petition-request at isoc.org>.

Please note that the petition candidate himself must send an email to 
the address indicated above to start the petition process.  The 
petition e-mail should include the information indicated in the 
Nomination Committee's report.

If Veni decides to submit a petition for candidacy, an e-mail address 
will be set-up to receive "signatures" in support of Veni's petition. 
To be successful, the petition will require 6 "signatures" (e-mail 
messages sent to the designated e-mail address) from chapter 
delegates who are eligible to vote in the 2005 election.

>If the current conditions continue and the Board and its entities continue
>to ignore or pass up opportunities to address its crisis of leadership, we
>will not turn the tide of disillusionment and marginality that actions such
>as these cause in us who have seen the work of Veni, Pat and Rosa on this
>list. While I am sure your committee did not intend this result, the fact
>that you would select two people and not Veni shows how disconnected the
>committee is from the pulse and the drive that is moving the chapters

I am very sorry that you view the candidate selections of the 
Nominations Committee in this way.  I did make my best effort to 
select a Nominations Committee that would be representative of the 
different ISOC constituencies and that would reflect the diversity of 
the ISOC membership in terms of geography, expertise and interests. 
Please note that the 2005 Nominations Committee includes three 
Chapter officers, members from five major geographical regions of the 
world, and a mix of people who are involved in each of the three ISOC 
pillars (standards, education and public policy).

If you have any suggestions about how to select a Nominations 
Committee that would be better connected with the views of Chapters 
and/or more representative of the global ISOC membership, please let 
me know, and I will pass your suggestions on to next year's 
Nominations Committee Chair.

The Nominations Committee does have the responsibility and privilege 
to place candidates on the ballot for both the Organizational Member 
and Chapter elections.  However, the petition stage is also an 
important part of our selections process, as it represents the 
opportunity for Chapter delegates and Organizational Members to voice 
their own opinions about who should be included on the ISOC ballot.

If you believe that Veni (or anyone else) would make a valuable 
addition to the election ballot, please do encourage him to file a 
petition for candidacy and support that petition.

Best Regards,

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