[chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapters and members chat/meeting at ICANN Meeting - Mar del Plata, Argentina - April 4-8, 2005

Östen Frånberg Osten.Franberg at iis.se
Sat Apr 2 11:41:01 PST 2005

Hello Rosa and Nelson
I will be att the ICANN-meeting 4-8 April
and like to participate in the Chapter-
-- Osten Franberg


From: Rosa Delgado [mailto:rosa at delgado.aero]
Sent: Sat 4/2/2005 6:26 PM
To: 'Nelson Sanchez'; chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapters and members chat/meeting at ICANN Meeting - Mar del Plata, Argentina - April 4-8, 2005

I am attending a two-full day conference (5-6 Apr) so I cannot attend
the chat but as a matter of clarification is this UTC time?  

-----Original Message-----
From: Nelson Sanchez [mailto:sanchez at isoc.org]
Sent: Friday, 1 April 2005 17:40
To: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: [chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapters and members chat/meeting at
ICANN Meeting - Mar del Plata, Argentina - April 4-8, 2005

We would like to follow-up on the recent ISOC announcement to hold ISOC
Chapters and members chats/meetings.

Lynn St.Amour and several ISOC trustees and members will be at the ICANN
meeting in Mar del Plata, Argentina - April 4-8, 2005.

Please see: <http://www.icann.org/meetings/mardelplata/>

Two possible Chapter chat/meeting times would be:

Tuesday March 5, 2005 at 7:00am - 9:00am


Wednesday March 6, 2005 at 10:00am - 12:00 noon

Please let me know if you will be at the ICANN meeting and if you will
be interested in participating in the Chapters and members chat/meeting.

Also, please let me know your date/time preference or suggest alternate
date and time.

We will be looking into procuring a convenient meeting room.

Nelson Sanchez
ISOC Senior Program Manager
Email: sanchez at isoc.org

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