[chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapters and members chat/meeting at ICANN Meeting - Mar del Plata, Argentina - April 4-8, 2005

Tricia Drakes tricia.drakes at parvil.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 3 10:18:26 PDT 2005


Just wanted to mention that I shall also be unable to attend.  (I am not in Argentina due to various family matters).

Will you be circulating notes of the matters discussed at the meeting?  I believe this would be very helpful.

With best wishes.

+44 7768 517567

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lynn St.Amour" <st.amour at isoc.org>
To: "Veni Markovski" <veni at veni.com>; "Nelson Sanchez" <sanchez at isoc.org>; <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapters and members chat/meeting at ICANN Meeting - Mar del Plata, Argentina - April 4-8, 2005

> At 10:50 PM +0300 4/2/05, Veni Markovski wrote:
>>Probably you mean April, not MARCH?
> yes, I'm sure he did.
>>There's a ccNSO breakfast on April 5 from 7:30.
>>on Wed. from 10 is the GNSO council meeting.
>>and that basically means I will be busy. Perhaps we could have had 
>>beforehand arrangements of time, instead of doing it on the mailing 
> It's always difficult to arrange meetings during an ICANN meeting and 
> even more difficult to do so early as the agenda remains in a state 
> of flux until quite close to the meeting.
>>That is, of course, if we want to have a meeting with all people 
>>here, not only with some.
>>btw, I know Alan Levin and Patrick will be here. Who else from 
>>chapters will be here? If there are only 3 chapter representatives 
>>(incl. me), then it will be easy to arrange time.
> It's not just chapters, it is also for ISOC members as well.  So, we 
> need to hear from people wrt what time they'd prefer.
> Look forward to seeing as many folks as possible.
> Best regards,
> Lynn
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