[chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations Committee

Tricia Drakes tricia.drakes at parvil.demon.co.uk
Sun Apr 3 09:47:14 PDT 2005


I am totally behind you in your support of Veni.

I recall that many Chapters expressed support for Veni (end January 2005) ... and I append a few of the MANY  e-mails sent in support of Veni's nomination at that time. 

Perhaps, the Nomination Committee did not have sight of these when considering who to nominate.

I hope other Chapters will re-iterate their support.  If a Petition is the only way now to include Veni on the list of Nominations, then I would support (with some sadness that this is necessary) such a course of action.

With many good wishes.

+44 7768 517567


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rosa Delgado 
To: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org 
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:10 PM
Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] FW: Nomination of Veni Markowski


I am not surprise with the support you are getting from chapters, I think you deserve it. 

So, please with no hesitation someone should summit Veni's nomination to the web site https://www.isoc.org/isoc/general/trustees/bot-nom.php    


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gene Gaines" <gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com>
To: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] FW: Nomination of Veni Markowski


I strongly support Veni Markovski for reelection as a
Chapters representative on the ISOC Board of Trustees,
for all the reasons stated on this list in the last day.

Veni, you have worked very hard and accomplished much,
but your work is not yet done for ISOC and Chapters.

Gene Gaines
gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com
VP, Washington DC USA chapter of ISOC

 -----Original Message-----
From: veni markovski [mailto:veni at veni.com] 
Sent: Sunday, 30 January 2005 20:09
To: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] FW: Nomination of Veni Markowski

Thank you, Tricia. 

Before you say what will be a loss for the Internet community, think that we need all of us to do the change within ISOC. We need to make sure it is important for the Internet community. 
We need to make sure it's focused not only on standards, but also on public policy, Internet governance, etc. I can only promise I will try to change things. As I think ISOC should be more proactive, not just reactive. More - during the discussion, which I hope will start here.


On Sunday, January 30, 2005, 11:21:41 AM, Tricia wrote:

> All
> I wholeheartedly support Veni's nomination as a "Chapter 
> Representative" candidate in the forthcoming elections for
> the ISOC  Board of Trustees.
> I have witnessed first hand Veni's commitment and efforts 
> in support of the work of the ISOC Chapters, which has
> resulted in real progress  ... sometimes in very challenging
> circumstances.
> Together with Patrick, Veni has been a true catalyst for 
> change ... and it will be our loss (and a loss for the
> Internet  community) if Veni is not re-elected to the ISOC
> Board of  Trustees.
> With many good wishes.
> Tricia
> +44 7768 517567
> ________________________________________
> From:  Ramon Morales [mailto:ramon at isocpr.org] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005  10:45 AM
> To: 'chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org'
> Cc: 'veni markovski'
> Subject: Nomination of Veni  Markowski

> Chapter-Delegates:
> This upcoming election of a  chapter candidate to the ISOC Board presents a
> great opportunity to support  the type of leadership that we seek from ISOC
> on a global level. I am  declaring my intention to endorse and support Veni
> Markowski to continue as  our Chapter Board representative. I believe that
> Veni has been a strong and  courageous voice for chapters and has displayed
> great patience and courage in  the midst of adversity. 

> The election of Chapter representatives to the  Board in no way means that
> once elected these representatives should become  narrow and parochial;
> ignoring the needs of the world Internet community. But  it does mean that we
> expect them to represent us; to have the courage to say  and uphold what may
> not be popular so long as they are in tune with the needs  of the Chapters
> that elected them in the first place. ISOC is undergoing a  deep and thorough
> search for its place in a new world that wants access to  the Internet and we
> are, as a global organization, in the best position to  provide this support.
> After reading and listening for the last four years, I  have drawn the
> conclusion that at the heart of the Internet Governance debate  lurks an even
> bigger issue: the crisis of leadership. We need to foster a new  leadership
> that upholds the values of openness, truth, willingness to speak  out against
> tyranny no matter where or how it manifests itself. This  leadership must
> uphold principle over power and learn how to engage others in  creating a
> consensus even in the most difficult of situations. 

> I  believe that all three of our chapter representatives today embody  these
> qualities. Veni's re-election would provide a basis for continuity and  keep
> a chapter's champion in the position where he belongs: Board Trustee of  the
> Internet Society.

> Warmest regards,
> From Puerto Rico with  Love

> Internet Society of Puerto Rico
> Ramón  Morales
> Chairman
> ramon at isocpr.org
> PMB 188
> 1750  Loiza Street
> San Juan, PR 00911
> tel: 787 638-8858
> fax: 877  797-7909
> mobile: 787 638-8858
> www.isocpr.org  


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ramon Morales" <ramon at isocpr.org>
To: "'Margaret Wasserman'" <margaret at thingmagic.com>
Cc: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>; "'Gene Gaines'" <gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 5:07 PM
Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations Committee

With all due respect to your selection process, I wish to start a petition
process with the objective of adding Veni Markovski to the list of Board
candidates for the Chapter elections. While I understand that the two
presently selected have the qualifications and fit your committee's
criteria, I know I speak for many chapters who see in Veni a powerful voice
for change and for the transformation that ISOC must undergo if it is to
become a relevant global organization in the 21st Century.

If the current conditions continue and the Board and its entities continue
to ignore or pass up opportunities to address its crisis of leadership, we
will not turn the tide of disillusionment and marginality that actions such
as these cause in us who have seen the work of Veni, Pat and Rosa on this
list. While I am sure your committee did not intend this result, the fact
that you would select two people and not Veni shows how disconnected the
committee is from the pulse and the drive that is moving the chapters

I would like to know, under the current conditions, how many actual chapters
are alive and functioning, how many would be involved in the voting and what
is the actual number of petitions needed to place Veni on the ballot. I
would appreciate your help on this matter. If not, please direct me to those
who may have the answers.

Ramón Morales
Internet Society of Puerto Rico

-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Gaines [mailto:gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2005 4:47 PM
To: Margaret Wasserman
Cc: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] Re: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations


Thank you for clarifying the selection process.

gene.gaines at gainesgroup.com

On Saturday, April 2, 2005, 2:08:42 PM, Margaret wrote:

> Hi Gene,

> At 3:28 PM -0500 4/1/05, Gene Gaines wrote:
>>I was not clear.  I was looking for the full list of candidates
>>that were nominated to the nominating committee -- not the two
>>candidates selected by the nominating committee to stand for

> I am sorry that I misunderstood your question.

> I don't feel that it would be appropriate to provide a list of the
> candidates' names, as that would not be fair to the candidates who
> were nominated and not selected.  However, I can give you an overall
> picture of the Nominations Committee efforts.

> We received 35 complete nominations.  Of those 35 nominations, 8 were
> explicitly nominated for the Chapter election, 11 were explicitly
> nominated for the Organizational Member election, and the remaining
> 17 nominations did not specify a particular election.

> We went through an initial screening process based on information
> that each nominee provided, including a CV, references and the
> answers to three questions.

> After our initial screening, we had a list of 8 highly qualified
> nominees for the Chapter election.  In order to make the difficult
> decision regarding which of the 8 candidates to place on the Chapter
> election slate, we conducted 1/2 hour interviews that included
> questions that were intended to explore each candidates' 
> qualifications in more depth.  We also sought feedback from within
> the Nominations Committee and from some members of the ISOC community.

> After careful consideration, the Nominations Committee selected what
> we consider to be the two best available candidates for the ISOC
> Chapter election:  Alex Corenthin and Richard St. Clair.

> Both of these candidates are Chairs of their local ISOC Chapters
> (Senegal and Niue) and pillars of their regional Internet communities
> (Africa and the Pacific).  They are both very active in 
> Internet-related technical, educational and public policy activities,
> and they are both internationally renowned for their success in
> bringing the Internet to developing regions of the world.

> More information regarding the ISOC Board of Trustee candidates
> should be available soon at:

> http://www.isoc.org/members/vote/2005election/profiles

> We are currently in the petition period, so additional candidates may
> be added as petitions are completed.

> If you have further questions about the ISOC Nominations Committee
> process, please don't hesitate to ask.

> Best Regards,
> Margaret


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