[chapter-delegates] FW: Report of the 2005 ISOC Nominations Committee - 31 March 2005
Internet Society
isoc-news at isoc.org
Fri Apr 1 09:46:03 PST 2005
On 20 January 2005 a Call for Nominations was published for candidates
for the 2005 election of the Board of Trustees of the Internet
Society(ISOC) Elections. See:
This year two Trustees will be elected by the ISOC Organizational
Members and one by the ISOC Chapters. In addition to this, one Trustee
will be selected by the Internet Architecture Board through a different
selection process.
The Nominations Committee received approximately 35 nominations, and it
was a difficult task to choose between the many well-qualified nominees.
The Committee would like to extend our thanks to everyone who submitted
a nomination and especially to every nominee who agreed to be
We consider the level of interest in this election to be a positive sign
about the importance and visibility of ISOC's work.
The Nominations committee has selected four candidates to be included in
the ballot for the Organizational Membership Election and two candidates
to be included in the ballot for the Chapter Membership Election.
The selected candidates for Organizational Membership Election are:
Marilyn Cade, USA
David Isenberg, USA
Daniel Karrenberg, The Netherlands
Glenn Ricart, USA
The selected candidates for the Chapters Election are:
Alex Corenthin, Senegal
Richard St. Clair, Niue
Brief bios of the candidates will be posted as soon as they are
available at:
This announcement also invites additional nominations by petition for
candidates for the 2005 ISOC Board of Trustee Elections.
Additional nominations for election to the Board of Trustees may be made
by petition OF THE CANDIDATE, and filed with the Chair of the
Nominations Committee at <2005-petition-request at isoc.org>. Separate
petition mailboxes will be created for each valid petition request that
is received.
The petition request should include:
1. A statement whether the candidate wants to run for the Organizational
Members Election or the Chapters Election, including a statement that
the candidate will be able to devote an appropriate level of time to
serve on the ISOC Board of Trustees.
2. A short statement of what the petition candidate believes he or she
would contribute as a Trustee of the Internet Society. All petition
candidates will be listed in periodic announcements to participating
Chapters and Organizational Members via electronic mail and will be
posted on the ISOC web site.
Signatures in support of a petition shall be filed electronically and
must be received by 30 April 2005 at 12 Midnight GMT -0500. For the
purposes of this policy, a "signature" shall be an email expressing
support for the candidate's petition sent by the Election Representative
of a Chapter or Organizational Member that is eligible to participate in
this election, and is subject to ISOC verification. The message should
include the Organizational Member's or Chapter's name and the name of
the candidate whose petition is supported.
Each signature must come directly from the supporter via email to an
address designated by the ISOC staff. A supporter must send a separately
e-mailed signature for each candidate he or she wishes to support to the
candidate's individual petition mailbox as designated by ISOC. Each
petitioner shall be provided with copies of all signature e-mails for
his or her candidacy and periodic reports about his or her status in
obtaining signatures. Announcements regarding successful petitions shall
be made as soon as practical, and need not await the end of the petition
Participating Organizational Members or Chapters can sign petitions for
candidates running within their own constituency only. A Participating
Organizational Member or Chapter may sign more than one petition.
For a petition to be successful a candidate in the Organizational
Members constituency needs the support of 6 valid signatures and a
candidate in the Chapters constituency needs 6 valid signatures.
Successful petitioners will be placed on the ballot. The final candidate
announcement will be made no later than 24 May 2005.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Wasserman
2005 ISOC Nominations Committee Chair
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