[SPAM] RE: [chapter-delegates] Patent on IPv6

Ramon Morales ramon at isocpr.org
Fri Apr 1 01:53:18 PST 2005

Thanks for this excellent tool. I have signed up and look forward to sharing
with ISOC Belgium and the other active worldwide chapters on the projects
forum. I see the possibility of rich exchanges and the establishment of
bilateral as well as multilateral relationships that could be fruitful and
beneficial to us all.
In appreciation,
Ramón Morales
Internet Society of Puerto Rico
PS Please add Puerto Rico to the drop down list so I can register an
accurate profile

-----Original Message-----
From: Vansnick Rudi [mailto:rudi.vansnick at isoc.be] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 5:42 PM
To: 'David McAuley'; 'Veni Markovski'; chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: [SPAM] RE: [chapter-delegates] Patent on IPv6

In order to make the communication platform work between chapters,
chapters working on projects, I've opened a category  "Chapter projects
communication platform"  inside the "Chapters Delegates Chat forum".
Those who want to communicate about projects they are running or to make
proposals on projects where other chapters could participate, they can
to this forum and participate in constructive way so that we (all isoc
could work together in fulfilling the global mission of isoc. Forum is
accessible at : http://www.isoc.be/chde/forum/default.asp

I would like to make it clear, this is not a must, it is just an idea of
bringing people together around a common platform, offering support to those
want to participate in projects all over the world.
All comments, remarks and of course idea's are very welcome.

Best regards,

Rudi Vansnick
Chair ISOC Belgium
Mobile: +32 475 28 16 32
Tel: +32 9 329.39.16

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David McAuley [mailto:mcauley at isoc.org] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 10:15 PM
> To: 'Veni Markovski'; chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
> Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] Patent on IPv6
> Veni, I have a different view on ISOC and what the chapters 
> may or may not say from what I saw in your mail with Franck 
> recently. I do recognize the point you are making but want to 
> make clear my view on this for others. I think we all 
> recognize that chapters have agreed to abide by ISOC's 
> mission, goals and principles. Assuming they adhere to these 
> we really have no control over who says what in their own 
> capacity - nor would we want that.
> What I was concerned with last year was the use of the ISOC 
> newsletter to announce an initiative against another member. 
> We struggle with the newsletter now in an attempt to be 
> comprehensive yet not so long as to turn people off from 
> reading through it. We are looking at alternatives to 
> alleviate the length issue.  
> It seems sensible to use the ISOC news vehicle for passing on 
> information relative to what ISOC is doing, what chapters are 
> doing, upcoming events and more along these lines. We do not 
> want it to become a vehicle for publicizing legal arguments 
> by chapter officers against other members absent some 
> generally compelling newsworthiness to the matter. And I 
> should note that we initiated this discussion - we were not 
> prompted to do so by Microsoft.
> Best regards,
> David
> David McAuley
> Membership Director
> Internet Society
> 703-326-9880, ext 104
> 703-963-5887 (mobile)
> mcauley at isoc.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Veni Markovski [mailto:veni at veni.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 5:42 PM
> To: Franck Martin; chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
> Subject: Re: [chapter-delegates] Patent on IPv6
> Franck,
> ISOC can not take a position, where the issue concerns one of its org 
> members. Whether it was a registered NGO or not, that would 
> not change the 
> situation.
> And be aware, as chapters are also not supposed to make 
> statements which 
> may be considered as not proper, if they are aimed against 
> any of the ISOC 
> org members.
> I have experienced this last year, when Microsoft approached 
> ISOC in Reston 
> to ask them how dare we sue them in Bulgaria at the Fair 
> Trade Commission. 
> Actually, under our laws, this is not a case, but a signal, 
> which I sent - 
> together with two members of the Parliament.
> It's not easy to work in your own country, if the HQ have 
> broader spectrum 
> of interests than your chapter:)
> veni
> At 12:37 24-03-05  +1200, Franck Martin wrote:
> >http://www.eweek.com/print_article2/0,2533,a=148304,00.asp
> >
> >I think the above story illustrate why ISOC should be a 
> registered NGO
> >with the WTO and WIPO.
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >--
> >-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> >Franck Martin
> >franck at sopac.org
> >"Toute connaissance est une rИponse Ю une question"
> >G. Bachelard
> >
> >
> >

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