[chapter-delegates] For the BoT consideration...let's talk...Money Vs Votes
Carlos Vera Q
cvera at interactive.net.ec
Mon Apr 11 20:21:01 PDT 2005
For the BoT, some suggestions (hope this is an option) when talk about the
brand new members:
1. ISOC can have a paid membership. Why 75? Let´s put 750 or so and this
money can go to support internet programs in less developed countries. IF 75
is enough no problem but more money do not BUY more votes.
2. Every member is ONE vote. Equal votes for paid members than volunteer
IF somebody want to support ISOC, he-she can pay a fee BUT paying a fee does
not mean other rights than non paid members have.
Carlos Vera Quintana
----- Original Message -----
From: "James M Galvin" <galvin at elistx.com>
To: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: [chapter-delegates] next steps after the board meeting
> Dear Chapter Members,
> As you know, the ISOC Board met this past Friday and Saturday and they
> discussed, in addition to other matters, the recent dissatisfaction that
> a number of you have very strongly expressed regarding the new paid
> individual membership level. Historically, especially in recent years,
> the Board has strongly held the position that there should be a paid
> membership level and that this should be a vehicle through which
> individual members could have a direct vote in ISOC Trustee elections.
> We summarized your criticism as the following:
> 1. that a paid membership level was in direct conflict with the ethos
> that the "Internet is for everyone"
> 2. that the payment level is a barrier to full opportunity around the
> world for people to participate
> 3. that we failed to seek your input for this decision
> Perhaps most importantly, we directed them to review the archive so they
> could review what you had to say in your own words. We ended our
> presentation by asking if they still wanted a paid membership level
> whose members would be eligible for a direct vote in Trustee elections.
> It has already been reported that the Board position was clear. They
> took no formal action, thus leaving the decisions of the past 3 years in
> place.
> This means two things. First, a paid membership program will continue
> and that such paid members will be eligible to vote in a direct election
> of Trustees. As previously noted in Board meeting summaries, this level
> of membership is an important way to give voice in ISOC governance to
> all individual members. Second, and this is where we need your help, we
> can work with you to change other elements of the program to respond to
> your concerns.
> We recognize that some of you find the level itself objectionable and we
> regret that. We hope that you will nevertheless remain committed
> members of ISOC and lend your considerable talents to the important and
> plentiful work that ISOC has in front of it. Should you choose not to
> do so we express our sincere thanks for the efforts and passion you have
> given to ISOC heretofore.
> As for making changes, there are two substantive issues we heard from
> you.
> a. Change the nomenclature from "Associate Member" and "Member" to
> something else.
> b. Change the single $75 USD level to something else.
> We have two questions for you. First, are there other issues we missed
> that you believe we should consider? If there are, please send them to
> the list and please also include alternative suggestions. In fact, the
> second question is what alternatives would you suggest for the two
> issues indicated above?
> We will acknowledge all suggestions sent to the list, on the list. If
> there is more to say about specific suggestions we will do that too. As
> we review the suggestions we will keep you informed as to what we
> believe will work and why we believe other suggestions are
> inappropriate.
> Thank you, for your comments and your continued participation in ISOC.
> Jim Galvin
> David McAuley
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