[Chapter-delegates] Review of Chapter Policies and Procedures

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Fri Mar 27 05:39:17 PDT 2009

Dear Colleagues,

I seek your help in conducting a review of ISOC Chapter Policies and  
Procedures during 2009.   This email explains the background, the work  
to be done, expected outcomes and how you can get involved.


Having a strong and legitimate platform from which ISOC Chapters can  
conduct their activities is important for ISOC's credibility both  
locally and globally.   The ISOC Chapter Policy document, approved by  
the ISOC Board of Trustees has been in place for 12 years (since  
1997).  A review of the Chapter polices and procedures has been  
requested by the Board of Trustees and by Chapters through the Sphere  

The work to be done:

The "Chapter Development Plan" has four key areas of focus:

* Policies and Procedures
* Stakeholder Relationship development
* Tools, Communications and Support
* Funding Support

Within this, one of the key activities designed to strengthen and  
support Chapters in 2009 is the re-writing of Chapter Policies and  
Procedures through collaboration and review. This complements other  
ISOC programmes and activities designed to support ISOC Chapters.


The expected outcome is an agreed new and improved Policy framework  
with improved supporting Operational Procedures.  Each Chapter will be  
expected to migrate to the new framework and will be contacted  
individually to discuss the timeframe for the transition.  This  
process is called "Re-accreditation".

How can you get involved?

You are invited to contribute to and actively participate in the  
work.  The forum for discussion is the "Sphere Labels" group (as part  
of the Sphere Project), where work is underway to discuss the  
relationship between ISOC Chapters and ISOC Global. To participate,  
join the Sphere Labels mailing list by emailing <chapter-support at isoc.org 

There is also a Spanish speaking "sphere-labels-lac" group, which is  
co-ordinated by Sebastian Ricciardi from ISOC Argentina. To join this  
group, please email Sebastian at <sricciardi at fibertel.com.ar>.  Other  
language groups can also be established. Please email us if you are  
interested to participate or to lead one.

We look forward to your help in this exciting work.

Best wishes

Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"

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